Automation in Vietnam is no longer a strange term but has strongly contributed to the revolution of many industries from manufacturing cars to FMCG. Unfortunately, automation has not received much attention in chemical laboratories, especially in analytical ones.

However, as the demand for quantity and quality and operating cost pressures increase, automation is not an optional, but a must in chemical laboratories to ensure work productivity.

Read on for 5 reasons to switch to automated chemistry systems.


Automation in Vietnam is no longer a strange term but has strongly contributed to the revolution of many industries from manufacturing cars to FMCG. Unfortunately, automation has not received much attention in chemical laboratories, especially in analytical ones.

However, as the demand for quantity and quality and operating cost pressures increase, automation is not an optional, but a must in chemical laboratories to ensure work productivity.

Read on for 5 reasons to switch to automated chemistry systems.




Analytical procedures have to meet strict requirements in terms of temperature, experimental time, pressure, concentration, and other variables which are difficult to control manually. With an automation system, these conditions will be set up easily and controlled consistency via a few steps on the software, allowing you to save your recipes for re-use and standardize your workflows.

Forget your experiments on Friday afternoons and let the system run safely over the weekend because you have a competent assistant. Built-in safety features operate and monitor independently your procedures even the lack of staff in labs on the weekend.





The reliability of the results is improved significantly when the automated system has been installed. Automated chemistry systems enable you to precisely control reaction conditions, reducing the risk of human error and giving you greater confidence in your results.

Thanks to feedback for every movement of the sampler, MAESTRO software can control experimental conditions in a sequence, leading to reliable results for the overall procedure.





It is undeniable that automated chemistry systems cost more than manual systems. But chemists who look beyond the initial expense are often convinced a switch is the right choice because they ultimately save money and lab space.

For instance, Universal Syringe Module USM is capable of aspirating precisely up to μL, reducing the cost of solvent, and leading to the lower cost of environmental treatment.





Automation reduces the risk of accidents in your laboratory. An automated system is operated based on time and established parameters, which shuts down automatically or warns you if conditions are exceeded allowed limits. The software will not make dangerous mistakes because it is tired or sleepy.





You are a chemist. Your passion is joining in research projects and updating scientific news but it is hindered by tedious work tasks. With automation, you can totally feel at ease to spend more time on your enthusiasm and let the automated system complete daily tasks in your lab.

“The nice thing about the MPS is you can talk to it while it’s working, and it will never get distracted. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to restart when manually creating my calibration standards because my mind wanders or I get distracted from interruptions.”


Choosing the right automation solutions for your lab

A design of an automated system for an enterprise depends on your demand, budget, methods, lab space…

Come to COE team, you will be consulted wholeheartedly with the most comprehensive and viable solutions for your needs.


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